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Ryosuke Mashiko

Origami artist/ researcher

Born in Japan in 2000.

Graduated from Komaba Junior and Senior High School attached to the University of Tsukuba.

Graduated from Department of Mathematical Engineering and Information Physics, Faculty of Engineering, The University of Tokyo.

Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo.


Started origami at the age of 3, and has been designing and creating own unique creations since childhood. He has attracted attention from various media since he was in high school.

In recent years, he has been involved in a wide range of activities beyond existing frameworks, including academic exhibitions, awards at the Salon d'Automne, the world's leading salon for avant-garde art, collaborations with brands, dedications to famous temples, exhibitions in Paris, writings, and lectures.

His unconventional methods of expression have attracted attention in various contexts, including avant-garde art, religious art, and design engineering, and he continues to explore the possibilities of origami from the forefront of science, art, and religion.


2019 学展 外務大臣賞  作品『胎内仏』 

2022 サロン・ドートンヌ展 入選  作品『折紙曼荼羅』


高野山 真田坊 蓮華定院


Eテレ など




オリガミの魔女と博士の四角い時間 など



難しいから面白い! 東大折紙 (共著)

指がからまる 脳がヨレる! 超難解おりがみ (共著)

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